Friday, September 14, 2007

FBI Thrillers

I just finished reading the latest Savich and Sherlock FBI thriller, Double Take by Catherine Coulter. This, as usual added new agents to the mix, but was basically a sequel to Point Blank (2005). It wraps up the story of Sheriff Dixon Noble's missing wife, Christy. I found it a little bit contrived (just how many identical looking women are really out there), but it basically kept my interest until the end (just to see exactly how it was going to end). I like this series of books for a couple of reasons. I like that Savich and Sherlock often drive the action, but are not always the central characters. And there's just enough romance to be believable for the most part and not totally shoved down your throat. People following the series should be satisfied. I'd also recommend the series to those who enjoy Iris Johansen's Eve Duncan books.

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